
Soul Crushing

Quick post. So the Wife ended up not having to play golf last night, instead we both went to the Diversey driving range after dinner. Both of us had a pretty miserable showing. The Wife could only hit an 8 iron with any regularity. I had my usual showing of one good strike to four bad hits. Surprisingly, I did pretty well with the drivers. Anyhow, at one point near the end of her bucket, after a particularly bad hit, the wife turns to me and says, "This is crushing my soul." Good times. We decompressed by taking a nice walk by the lake and stopped by beach to say hi to people and then a pleasant walk back to the car.


The lady will have the schnitzel...

Team Kablooey faced a set back last night. Losing 15-8. We just couldn't get it going early. It may have something to do with never being able to start on time because of the mercurial nature of where people put their fields. We played on Field #7 both nights this week, but there positions were in completely different places. Certain people when asked if they could move their field took the attitude we were here first and we're too lazy to move four cones. I just wanted to punch someone.

Enough of that. Rode home with King and Akira, picking up the high school couple, JL and his girl, out front of Frontera in the mini-van. (Not really h.s. kids, but they were dressed up and come on we picked them up in a mini-van). We then went to Darwin's. Where BK ordered by saying, "We will both have Turbodogs," while pointing at me. The waitress replied with "Are you a couple?" BK and I then felt the need to declare our love for one another. (I may have even broken out into song, as I am apt to do). Further confusing the waitress I was forced to order JL's drink because he wanted a martini (Wednesday's means $10 slabs of ribs and $5 martinis at Darwin's) , but he didn't know how to order one and the waitress's first suggestion was a cosmo. (Oh and JL and his girl both got carded). I of course could not allow JL to order a cosmo if for no other reason then even I would get tired of making fun of him for his lack of masculinity if he made such an order. (However, it would have to be done. We also made the necessary appletini joke, yeah Zach Braff).

This whole exchange would have been the funniest thing going on, but then I noticed JL had a Starbucks card. Akira and BK chimed in with calls of "you finally made it." This would have been funny enough, but then his girl(really need a better name) volunteered that it was an award for being employee of the week. As she said this, there was a sudden look of recognition of what the imparting of this information meant to JL. You can all imagine the hard time we gave JL for this little nugget of information. Then, JL's girlfriend forgetting what had just transpired five minutes ago mentioned it was actually the second time he had won the award. Again, almost too easy. (All of this was actually said by JL's girlfriend in what can only be classified as a proud sincerity that was cute and endearing). It still didn't stop the jokes.

Baching it tonight as the Wife plays golf tonight. The Wife was already talking trash about the course and its lack of difficulty. We'll have to see if the crucible of competition breaks her spirit. (The Wife is actually a really good golf player i.e. destroys me).


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh

So last night before buttoning up (Sorry, too much time spent in college with guys in the military) for the evening the Wife takes the Monster out back to handle her bid-ness. Fairly soon thereafter I hear the call, "Honey, can you come down here." (Those readers that are married understand the chill running down my back upon hearing these evil words. Possibly only surpassed by, "Does this taste bad to you?" and "Let's have kids"! of phrases said by women to terrify their mates). Upon hearing this I run (read walk slowly) downstairs and outside.

Upon arriving downstairs, the Wife says did you bring the flashlight. I of course didn't but I could obviously see the problem. There in the wire fence separating our yard from the CSI house is stuck a big ol' rat. The rat brought to mind images of a VC sapper entangled in the barb wire fence surrounding an A camp. (Just watched Tour of Duty on DVD, thanks Netflix). Now the Monster being a typical dog and seeing a possible threat to her Mommy had a typical reaction of running in tight circles in the back yard hoping for blood.

After a brief(shall we say terse) conversation between myself and the Wife, she walked around the back of the house to avoid the rat and got the Monster on a leash and took her around front. With the Monster safely out of the way, I was left alone with the rat. Unsure of what to do, I followed the genetic tendencies embedded in the DNA of all right thinking hominids dating back to the earliest vestiges of man, I poked the rat with a stick. The rat still being alive hissed and wiggled, but couldn't free itself. Being married to a health care professional and spending more time than what could be considered healthy living in hovels shared with any number and breed of rodentia I decided that I should avoid any possibility of picking up some form of disease. (Images in my mind of a poster found throughout the American Southwest warning of the Hanta virus spread by mice and a diorama in the British museum showing blocks of London being burned to cleanse the city of the Plague).

Thus, I made a strategic withdrawal (Run away, run away) back inside the house. The Wife went downstairs to let the neighbors know that there was a rat stuck in the fence and to be careful about letting their dog out. Not thinking we could win the hearts and minds of the rats we called 311. I waited up for awhile to see if the black van would come with men in white coveralls and masks to spray green gas to get the rat. No go. Then, I thought the rats from the rosebush would at least come get their fallen comrade, but alas the rat remains.

Seeing the rat still in the fence this morning and the city calvary no where to be seen I decided to take it upon myself to free it. The rat was still alive but still stuck and unable to move. Thinking rubbing vaseline on the rat was out of the question I decided cutting the fence impinging the rat would be the best way to free what had now become my furry friend. Unfortunately, my wire cutters were not up to the task. Next calling upon some scottish ingenuity I used some hedge clipper from the garage as a miniature jaws of life. By inserting the clippers in the hole made by the wire and opening the clippers I was able to bend the wire outward resulting in the rat falling to the sidewalk. Not being qualified for rodent CPR and left with no other way to revive the unmoving, but still breathing rat. I used a shovel to transport the rat to it's natural home. After, much ceremony, the rat was placed in the alley dumpster, and left in its final resting place.


Droppin' Bombs

Team Kablooey, finally, got a win last night. Final score 15-4. Despite the wind, the deep game was really working and our zone did what it needed to do. My personal highlight was catching a score, something that rarely happens. (More likely throwing them). Got a good read on a high floaty hammer and came down with it. (Yes, my feet may have even left the ground). We were done early (for us) and got to Piece while there was still pizza.

Looking forward to world cup quarters and annoucers repeatedly saying "Kaka". Still need to write about the Knicks, maybe I'll do a whole NBA draft breakdown a la Sports Guy.


Are Those Nantucket Reds?

Weekend recap. Casual Ultimate happy hour Friday. Mutiny practice Saturday morning. One of my last, as I am not playing this fall. Attempting to play club frisbee while being gone all of the weekends in August and some in July just isn't feasible. (Read I am getting too slow. Oh, and EA and I are going to begin our golf careers-think John Daly and ChiChi Rodriguez playing together and you get the idea). Couples shower/cocktail party Saturday night in the LB. (True story: the Wife went to high school with the groom and was in the same sorority in college with the bride, but only figured out the connection after talking to the bride after the soon to be newlyweds had been on a couple of dates). Hosted by the grooms family in their lovely LB bungalow. (It is even on the parade route). I love the architecture of the older homes in East LB. A beautiful Chihuly piece on the buffet table piqued my interest. (If it hadn't been so big I might have tried to run out with it). Interesting crowd from the LF/LB. Small world time continued with an interesting conversation with Blair Lockhart, older brother to former teammate, couch surfer and aspiring hair model Reid. A retelling of Reid's nose getting blown up on a mark at Tune-Up seemed warranted. For those of you that don't get the post title a proper retelling can be given at a later date. (Obviously, certain tales are better in person). Lazy Sunday. The weather required a great deal of napping, world cup watching and cooking. (Nice to see Becks score and puke).


Beach Blanket Bingo

Skipped out on beach last night, but went to the movie in the park. (Partially, in the hopes of making my quad feel less like swiss cheese). "The Producers" is not a very good film, except for those scenes with Will Ferrell. (The guy who is almost as funny as a drunken NaCho). The Monster and the Wife napped during the course of the movie. It might have been either the late hour or the vino. (Nothing quite like red wine out of a nalgene). The Monster loves her some wine, almost as much as bourbon. Busy weekend ahead with practice, showers and errands. Might even stop by the Pontiac for casual happy hour tonight, but I make no promises.

Oh and as soon as I have time to process my thoughts expect a post about USA Soccer and Isiah's double tap to the back of Larry Brown's head.

The Monster


Another 4; Another 9...

No summer league last night, but I grabbed a beer at Darwin's with some of the usual suspects and Tang. Afterwards, I went over to the Forge. (so named because it is so freaking hot). JL, BK and NaCho live at the Forge and AY sleeps on the futon wearing a sign reading, "Wake for Settlers." Settlers is the best board game ever and the main reason I am willing to drive out to the 'burbs to visit the Forge.(Oh and to visit my friends). We of course played last night, however, my loss was brought to you by the numbers 4, 9 and the letter K.

Not a whole lot else going on, but you can expect a post by the Wife anytime now that she has a blogger profile and signed up as a member of this blog. We'll see how it works.

The "Producers" is playing at Churchill Park. So we are going to attempt to go to the movie in the park tonight if the weather cooperates. Feel free to stop by the blanket.


The Legendary Pat Riley

I'll be the first to admit that I love the NBA, as long as the game is in the fourth quarter. Last night was no exception. EA and I went to the Duke of Perth for dinner and after a quick stop for supplies at Binny's entered the Fortress of Solitude. EA is the proud owner of Knockaround Guys. Made by the same guys who made Rounders. Before starting the movie we caught Mark Cuban's pre-game interview given while, I think, he was working out on an eliptical machine and reading his email. (He couldn't get off the machine and focus for the interview, weird). So far so good. Back to the movie. The cast was great. Dennis Hopper, Vin Diesel, Seth Green (who I think is hilarious) and John Malkovich playing another guy named Teddy, etc... Overall, a great movie with some great lines. (It also featured handball, love handball). Only two drawbacks. First, Malkovich played his character with this weird accent that could not be placed. Second, come on and cap some already. (This will make sense when you see the movie).

Left the Fortress at the end of halftime when the movie was over. Listened to the third quarter in the car. Took the monster out. Finaly, on the couch and ready to focus on the game with eight minutes left and the game tied. Perfection.

The Heat took the title last night, however I didn't care who won because either way you were going to have GP and Shaq or Mark Cuban giving celebratory interviews. The interviews have actually been pretty tame, except for Shaq guranteeing a title defense next year. (Fine by me, that way when Wade's contract is up he'll move home and get a title for the Bulls). We also found out the covered object in the Heat locker room was not in fact Stan Van Gundy dressed as the gimp. (I know everyone is making this joke, but come on). Instead, the hole shaped as the NBA trophy contains playing cards emblazoned with "15 strong". I am sure Stephen A. Smith will somehow suck up to someone to actually get in the locker room and show us in detail. I hate Stepen A. Smith. Possibly, the worst sportscaster ever. (I may have to write a whole post on how much I hate this guy).

Now nothing to look forward to on the sports front until football starts, unless there is a Red's October.


This Can't Go On...

I played in possibly the longest summer league game ever last night. Unfortunately, Team Kablooey came away with an 11-8 loss in a capped game. The wind was blowing just enough to cause problems for both sides. You know the type of wind where zone against a summer league team kind of works, but allows the better throwers to pick apart the d with little effort, but if anyone rushes a throw the disc does crazy stuff. Oh, and a serious case of the dropsies by the downfield cutters did not help. Kablooey, could not keep up once the opposition switched to man. (Meaning I had to start running, pulled quad and all). The highpoint for Kablooey was that our women caught at least five of the scores. Including, a score by my professional buddy. She who always signs up as my buddy for league play. I think a fun time was had by all, but it is hard to keep team morale up when you are playing zone in league because less experienced players see so little of the disc and sometimes take issue with the tactial punt.

I managed to get a ride back to the 'hood with the Bagel Brothers and Zelda laying across my lap in the back seat. Grabbed some free 'za and chatted with miss casual and ms. ultimate over a von awesome. All in all, a normal summer Monday night.


Why We Blog?

I love using the royal "we". To those readers that know me, also know a great many of my friends blog. In fact EA's blog has been around since we were in college.(Switch to the non-royal "we"). So why have I come so late to the party? (Normally, I am too early). Originally, I thought I did not have the requisite technical skill, but after seeing JL blog drunk and Ms. Casual put a blog together overnight I figured I could manage getting one on the net. Also, my 83 year old gradfather recently passed away and he kept a memoir of his life which I thought an incredible idea. So after some self-reflection I figured, hell why not. This blog will neither be as interesting as my grandfather's memoir. (Granted, I never fought in the Battle of the Bulge and been interviewed by Tom Brokaw). Nor, as technically advanced as EA's blog. (I might as well be a Luddite throwing a wooden shoe at the LCD). Yet, it will be a fairly accurate record of what goes on in my life. I am even thinking of adding a co-author in the form of my wife. We just need to think up of a cool nickname for her to post under. Feel free to send in comments with ideas.

Oh, and if you haven't noticed by now, I also love the parenthetical.

Popquiz Hotshot?

First one to guess where the quote in the blog description comes from wins the prize. Oh, and no fair using google.

