
The Best Man

So a recent email set off a great chain of ideas. First, congratulations to Boeckl of the Parma (Blue Moon Over Parma Tonight)Boeckls for his recent engagement. As Kral((aka thunder, aka chum, aka banana republic model) have you ever noticed if you hang out alot for a long time with the same group of guys everyone gets alot of nicknames, I feel like we're rappers)) commented it was only a matter of time since they bought curtains together. Anyhow, in typical Leadbelly (Ohio State University Ultimate) fashion Boeckl sent out a giant email to notify everyone to which he appended there would be an NBA/lottery style draft of those who received the email to decide who would be groomsmen.

That got me thinking why isn't this a Survivor/The Bachelor game show entitled, wait for it, "The Best Man" (by the way I have copyrighted the rights to this idea and all possible spinoffs including the animation rights I learned my lesson from the banana grabber incident). So through the course of a long weekend various challenges would take place allowing the Groom to make the final decisions and/or winners would get some sort of pass, you get the idea.

Possible Challenges(Geared towards Leadbelly):
Wendy's Challenge(Eating one of everything on the .99 menu)
Carb-O-Challenge(Drinking and Running Combined)
Yelling Obnoxiously At Strangers/The Penis Game(Saying Penis progressively louder in sort of a Liar's Poker Fashion of how loud one is willing to go; obviously not allowed in Leadbelly Best Man because Rev is the undisputed champion of this game with Willis as a close second, think Cracker Barrel and charter bus of retirees)
Handling of a Two Story Beer Bong (This was actually built, promise)
Finding an Open Bathroom On Campus During Game Day
Best Use of Themed Strippers

Added to this is the possibility of locations. The Best Man Las Vegas, entirely too obvious, but the best location. The Best Man Miami, a possibility of a Miami Vice challenge involving the wearing of a linen suit and stealing a Ferrari. The Best Man Montreal could entail acting obnoxiously French in the face of mere French-Canadians. The Best Man Kalamazoo, trying to find a barn after-party while drunk and breaking into a college dorm. You get the idea.

Think of the gambling tie ins:
Overall winner
Over/under on puking
Over/under on Matty Fancher asks where he is and how he got there(Only for Leadbelly Best Man)
Prop bets on choice of alcohol and stripper hair color

Anyhow something to think about.


Open Letter To The Woman Who Lives Above Tango Sur

The blinds of your apartment are not opaque enough for you to put your blue lacy bra on in front of the window unless you intended to treat everyone turning on to Southport from Grace with a burlesque show.