
Are Those Nantucket Reds?

Weekend recap. Casual Ultimate happy hour Friday. Mutiny practice Saturday morning. One of my last, as I am not playing this fall. Attempting to play club frisbee while being gone all of the weekends in August and some in July just isn't feasible. (Read I am getting too slow. Oh, and EA and I are going to begin our golf careers-think John Daly and ChiChi Rodriguez playing together and you get the idea). Couples shower/cocktail party Saturday night in the LB. (True story: the Wife went to high school with the groom and was in the same sorority in college with the bride, but only figured out the connection after talking to the bride after the soon to be newlyweds had been on a couple of dates). Hosted by the grooms family in their lovely LB bungalow. (It is even on the parade route). I love the architecture of the older homes in East LB. A beautiful Chihuly piece on the buffet table piqued my interest. (If it hadn't been so big I might have tried to run out with it). Interesting crowd from the LF/LB. Small world time continued with an interesting conversation with Blair Lockhart, older brother to former teammate, couch surfer and aspiring hair model Reid. A retelling of Reid's nose getting blown up on a mark at Tune-Up seemed warranted. For those of you that don't get the post title a proper retelling can be given at a later date. (Obviously, certain tales are better in person). Lazy Sunday. The weather required a great deal of napping, world cup watching and cooking. (Nice to see Becks score and puke).


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