
Smoke On The Water

I am putting it out there, I can say unequivocally, if Guitar Hero had existed in college my whole frisbee team would have flunked out of school. The other night I went over to the Real World Irving Park (R.W.I.P, from now on). For those intrepid readers who don't know about R.W.I.P. it is an five bedroom apartment filled by five guys ranging from 24-32 who play ultimate. The apartment is pretty sweet and with five guys you know when you go over there you can always find one person least who wants to do something.

For the unschooled Guitar Hero is a Playstation 2 game that rather than using a standard controller it uses a small plastic guitar with five buttons in the fret board, a strummer doohickey and a whammy bar. When playing you have to hit the strummer doohickey while hitting the right buttons on the fret board as shown on the screen as your electronic avatar plays with the band. Extra points can be had by using the whammy bar at certain points. (AY throws off is well documented fastidiousness to hammer at the whammy bar, comedy ensues). Even more bonus points can be garnered by pointing the guitar up in the air at certain points a la a real guitar hero.

Here is the part that would have really gotten us in trouble you can have two guitars and duel. We would have had put in a continuing order on the guitars at Best Buy. You can imagine losing and breaking guitars over knees, winning and trashing guitars like Nirvana or Rev being Rev. (A well documented story, Rev once pulled a toilet out of the ground and threw it against the door after being locked in a bathroom because he had already trashed some stuff in the house. Odder there was an extra fixture around and he installed the new one. Better for us, he is no longer in the Navy and a nuclear engineer on a sub).

Anyhow, there is nothing weird about a bunch of guys sitting around playing video games at our age. Well nothing I would admit to.


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