
Don't Call It A Comeback....

...we been here for years! Can you say win streak. Kablooie won two games in a row. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta. Of course the wins come at a great time right before the tournament. Granted, I am missing the tournament to go to a wedding in NY.

Before I get started I would like to shout out to miss casual and BK for providing rides this summer.

So the haps of late. Friday saw myself and the Wife over at the Fortress of Solitude. Although, the Fortress is a bit of a misnomer now that EA is getting married in May and Tracy is moving in after the wedding. After this was settled, shocking changes have taken place. EA got rid of the brick/plywood shelving unit, there is paint on the walls and now the old eMac computer is no longer in the kitchen. Tracy might have even said something about all the DVD's in the guest bedroom.(EA refers to the guest bedroom as the data center, you are starting to get the idea, right.) A part of me feels like Obi Wan when Alderan got Deathstarred, you know a weakening in the force, but mostly I am really happy for EA. Sidenote, the plan was to go up to the sundeck (this eventually happened, but not until late because of the heat) so EA told people to bring cans. I have never seen so many Miller Light fridge packs in my life. (I was thinking about the fridge pack this Sunday when putting the diet coke in the fridge. The question is not does it make sense, but why did it take so long to come up with. Sort of like the square watermelon in Japan).

Saturday brought plumbers to the house to do some work. No more brown bath water. Yeah!

Sunday, the Wife and I went and saw Pirates. Good flick, except for falling in to the middle movie in a trilogy always lets you down trap. (This should be called the Empire Strikes Back rule, the exception that proves the rule.) ((Second Star Wars reference, all I can say is it was a good thing I was always a big guy and a wrestler to boot or I definitely would have gotten my ass kicked in middle school.)) Just trying to do too much to set up the next film while making an independent story.

Plans for the week include keeping the dog from dying of a heat stroke.


Blogger pbgipper said...

Of course the wife picks the $100 produce.

8/02/2006 08:34:00 PM  

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