
Party Like It's 1999

So summer league last night saw team Kablooey(Probably the eighth different spelling of this word) playing against BK's and Tang's(the person, not the drink the astronauts drink) team. We lost, but not without some scoring of our own. The post is in reference to BK and I both getting up for the game because we were playing against one another, much like we did in 1999 (a la Union Crew). Overall, a fantastic time. Two of my best plays of the season and one of the greatest league layout catches by Ezra. (UC econ grad student, nice guy). My plays involved catching on a 6'2" and d'ing a 6'2" guy. Like I said it was like 1999.

Great convo with the ladies of casual ultimate at Piece regarding proper etiquette in popping the question. Right now I seem the go to guy on this, mostly because I am the only one amongst my circle of friends already married and still in the city.

As a public service announcement Ferris Buller's Day Off is playing at Churchill Park on Tuesday, July 18th as a part of the movies in the park program. The Wife, the Monster and myself will be there with our nalgenes full of wine and a blanket in case anyone wants to join us, let me know and we can save ground space.


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