
Why I Hate Winter!!!

Now as a general rule I love winter. Thanks to genetics(and a healthy appetite) I don't get cold. When I worked in New Mexico I served as a the canary in the mine for when it was too cold, ie if I got cold someone was about to succumb to hypothermia. My college ultimate team would often say that if another ice age came it would be my genetic seed that inherited the earth. You get the idea. Also, snow is awesome. The Monster loves to play in the snow and if you have ever seen her run through 8" of powder you have seen something truly funny. So why do I hate winter, PEOPLE THAT DON'T SHOVEL THEIR SIDEWALK!!!

The Wife and I live in a fairly gentrified part of town some may even call it "Tony." There has been a rash of quaint bungalows being razed and $3 million monstrosities being built. Now here is the really annoying part (besides my sprained ankle walking to the blue line) it is not the 80 year old polish ladies(who coincidentally all hang out on the same stoop during the summer a la a polski 227) that have not cleared their sidewalk. These sidewalks are either cleared by nice neighbors or by some complex network of polish family/friend network that may own 1/3 of the neighborhood. Instead it is the multi-million dollar homes that don't clear the sidewalk. Now I get that a person may not be able/want to shovel snow((Particularly, when the snow is being referred to as heart attack snow(really wet and heavy) at the Cardiac ICU at the Wife's hospital)), but come on. If you can afford that house surely you can afford a snow removal service or support the local neighborhood by hiring some local kids, who even come around asking.

Now a week removed from the last snow those sidewalks that were initially shoveled are dry and clear, while the ones that have not been shoveled have become sheets of ice. Making matters worse when walking home at night the little melt from the day refreezes and it is dark and I need ankle replacement surgery.

So to be clear shovel your sidewalk!


Blogger Unknown said...

Do you still hate winter? I hate it right now due to the temperature, rather than the snow.

2/08/2007 08:37:00 AM  

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